
The Counseling Center: A Safe Place to Talk


It’s a quiet building nestled in the trees offering a sense of serenity as you walk up the sidewalk and into the front door. The inviting lobby offers a place to sit in front of the fireplace, play with the model train set, or spend some time in the family visitation room. It is a quiet oasis in the middle of a busy campus, offering a respite from the world. The therapists’ offices are where much of the hope is found and the healing begins.

I love my therapist because she makes me feel important. – Melanie, age 18

The therapist is a vital part of each student’s team at Crossnore. Their initial assessment drives the service that best meets the student’s needs when that student first arrives. And the therapist’s ongoing interaction and recommendations ensure that current needs are still being met. The whole team approach provides a safety net for our kids….a soft place for them to land surrounded by people who care about them and are rooting for their success.

We can’t express enough the importance of a support system for these kids. – Toby Stoetzer, Director of Clinical Services


Our staff therapists are trained in Trauma Focused – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Equine Therapy, individual and family counseling, and group therapies. All over campus, you can see therapists at work with students as they take a walk outside, meet in the cottage, or grab a milkshake at the Coffee Shop. Another important aspect of our work here are the groups our therapists conduct, whether it’s a group for a particular issue or a group held in a specific cottage, or with a certain age group. These groups give our kids a place to learn in community.

Our psychoeducational groups give us the opportunity to teach kids the skills they don’t have through trauma education and emotional management. – Melissa Parlier, Therapist

These groups are where our kids get a foundation in the Sanctuary Model®. – Amanda Smith, Therapist


My therapist is understanding and gives good advice. – Julie, age 17

I love that my therapist has always been there for me, even when you wouldn’t expect anyone to be. – Jessie, age 18

Crossnore Outpatient Therapy Services are offered to all residential students who need the services. Individual and family therapy is available based on a student’s case plan. Community referrals are also accepted from area schools and Departments of Social Services. For more information about Crossnore Outpatient Therapy Services, contact Toby Stoetzer at (828) 733-4305 or

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