
And the Winner is… (Part II of III)


Beautiful landscaping outside Epworth cottage provided by BB&T Lighthouse Project volunteers for the new residents on the Winston-Salem campus.

BB&T’s Lighthouse Project provides financial support and manpower to the community by giving BB&T employees the opportunity to nominate, vote on and ultimately volunteer with local charities. Since the launch of the program in 2009, BB&T associates have contributed more than 475,000 volunteer hours. This year Crossnore’s Winston-Salem campus was lucky enough to be the beneficiary of three Lighthouse Project teams! In this series we are highlight each of the teams and showcasing the incredible work they’ve done on the campus.

Team #2: The Quantitative Credit Risk Analytics Group, lead by Debi Nathey, provided landscaping and outdoor furniture/accessories to several cottages.

To see the recap on Team #1, click here.

Crossnore: Can you describe your Lighthouse project for us?

Debi Nathey (D.N.): We landscaped around the Epworth and Aldersgate cottages. We added new plants and shrubs, bought outside chairs, ferns, door mats and bird houses for the new residents.

Crossnore: Who was on your team?

D.N.: There were 12 of us working on the project. We are from the Quantitative Analytics Administrative Team which reports to the Risk Management Organization.

We added new plants and shrubs, bought outside chairs, ferns, door mats and bird houses for the new residents.

Crossnore: What was the timeframe for the project?

D.N.: We started the planning stages back in April. We were each allotted an 8-hour day [off] to actually complete the work.

Crossnore: What surprised you to the most about Crossnore and your Lighthouse project?

D.N.: The personal interest we all put forth to make this project the best we could make it for a very worthy cause. Hopefully we’ll be able to do another BB&T Lighthouse Project at Crossnore next year!

*Interviews have been edited for clarity.

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