
And the Winner is… (Part III)


The refurbished playground next to Reynolds Cottage is now safe for our children!

BB&T’s Lighthouse Project provides financial support and manpower to the community by giving BB&T employees the opportunity to nominate, vote on and ultimately volunteer with local charities. Since the launch of the program in 2009, BB&T associates have contributed more than 475,000 volunteer hours. This year Crossnore’s Winston-Salem campus was lucky enough to be the beneficiary of three Lighthouse Project teams! In this series we are highlight each of the teams and showcasing the incredible work they’ve done on the campus.

Team #3: The Triad Wealth Team, lead by Shannon Shelton, provided fencing, landscaping and towels for the Reynolds Cottage and refurbished the campus playground.

To see the previous posts click here for the Team #1 and here for Team #2.

 Crossnore: Can you describe your project for us?

Shannon Shelton (S.S.): We took down all of the old fencing around Reynolds Cottage and put in permanent fence structures with security panels. Cleaned up the front entryway, placed brick pavers up the walkway, put hanging ferns on the porch. and mulched around the building. We planted Hostas along the sidewalk, trimmed the trees back, planted bushes and put in a bench with lilies and planters beside it. We also donated 57 sets of bath towels for all of the cottages on campus.

Everyone on my team really enjoyed being out there and is interested in helping Crossnore again next year.

Crossnore: What did your team do for the existing playground?

S.S.: We power washed it and repainted all of the handrails. We also added new child-friendly mulch and replanted the hedges.

Crossnore: What was the timeframe for these projects?

S.S.: May 4th and 5th. There were 16 people on our team and we did it all in two days!

Crossnore: Why did your team elect to volunteer with Crossnore?

S.S.: I reached out to Crossnore about doing some volunteering with my church and realized it would be a great opportunity for BB&T. We met with Kim [King, Director of Community Outreach on the Winston-Salem campus] and she told about the potential project and Reynolds will be the first sibling cottage on the grounds. We could really see the positive side of being able to revitalize the cottage and making the playground more child-friendly.

 Crossnore: What surprised you to the most about Crossnore and your Lighthouse projects?

S.S.: While we were eating lunch on one of the project days Caroline Hart [Crossnore’s Chief Advancement Officer] came by and talked to us a bit about what they had planned. It was really nice to see her so involved and grateful for all the work that we were doing.

We are potentially working on another cottage once it gets licensed. Everyone on my team really enjoyed being out there and is interested in helping Crossnore again next year.

*Interviews have been edited for clarity.

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