From the store aisles being lined with a multitude of school supplies, backpacks, and trendy clothes, it’s no secret that the Back to School season is here! This can be an exciting, yet stressful and overwhelming, time for students, parents, and teachers alike. However, there are some things parents can do to help the transition go more smoothly for everyone involved. Here are some great back to school tips for a successful start:
Back to the Routine
Getting back into the school routine can be challenging, especially if your child is not used to waking-up and/or going to bed early. Try to start implementing a consistent bedtime routine a week or two before school begins. One way to do this is by slowly staggering your child’s sleep and wake times. Change the times by 15 to 20 minutes every couple of days so the change doesn’t seem as drastic during the first few days of school.

Successful Transitions
Many schools will offer an orientation, open house, or meet-the-teacher type of event. If your child is attending a new school, or if they are nervous about transitioning to a new grade or classroom, provide them with an opportunity to visit the school and meet their teachers and classmates prior to the first day. Also, normalize their feelings and remind them that many of their peers are probably also nervous about the first day of school.
Shopping for Supplies
Shopping for school supplies can be a great way to connect with your child. Most schools will provide a list of supplies that they recommend based on your child’s grade level. As much as possible, let them be a part of the experience by allowing them to choose some of their new supplies and clothing, such as their backpack, lunchbox, and notebooks. This is a great way for them to express themselves and their interests, as well as to help them to feel invested in their education.

Open Communication
Maintain open communication with your child’s teachers throughout the school year. Ensure that they have your correct contact information on file, and that you have theirs as well. You may notice your child is experiencing challenges at school, academically, socially, or behaviorally. Be proactive and reach out so that concerns can be addressed in a timely manner. Then, needed supports can be put in place in order to help your child be successful.
Extracurricular Activities
Encourage your child to become involved in an extracurricular activity, such as a sport or after-school club. This will give them an opportunity to further develop their skills and knowledge in a particular area. It’s also a great way to socialize with other children who have shared interests. This can also be a great way for your child to make new friends!
But in the meantime, don’t forget to soak up the last few days of summer!