
Chefalos for Crossnore Update!


Last July, we posted a blog about the Chefalo family (read the post HERE) who were planning their holiday trip to scale Mount Kilimanjaro. Using this opportunity to raise awareness for foster care and funds for Crossnore, the Chefalos spent months planning and preparing.

We are grateful to say that their trip was a success! The Chefalos, their guides, and porters made it to the top and took this photo with a Crossnore flag! Additionally, your gifts amounted to $2,669 that will be put to immediate use serving Crossnore children.

Shenandoah says, “After 6 grueling days of the most physical work I’ve ever done we made it because of our amazing team. I have accomplished the biggest physical feat I’ve ever attempted. Not a bad way to start the year. Now that I have proven anything’s possible…tackling the child welfare system seems easy! It’s time.”

Be inspired by these amazing photos. Be inspired to action and hope and change. It’s time.

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