
Joanne Senkus

Joanne Senkus has always loved being outdoors. She moved to Asheville, NC about 25 years ago and was in constant amazement at the animals passing by her kitchen window. She saw bears, bobcats, weasels, birds, and more…it was magical.

She decided that she needed to share this with others and started photographing what she was seeing. She joined CNPA, a local photography club, and started going to workshops in order to learn how to get better images.

Her passion—whether showing the wildlife in the area or showing the flowers and the tiny insects that make their home in them—is to have people slow down and take notice of the beauty that surrounds them. Joanne has spent the last 15 years planting native plants in her yard so that the animals and birds have what they need to survive.

Joanne has had shows in various places around Asheville, a number of photographs displayed at the Turchin Center in Boone, and has been published a number of times in Nature’s Best Photography magazine.

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