“Limbo,” defined by the Oxford Learner’s Dictionary, is “a situation in which you are not certain what to do next, cannot take action, etc., especially because you are waiting for somebody else to make a decision.” Think of a situation where you have felt stuck in limbo. You may have felt anxious, hopeless, frustrated, abandoned, out of control, insecure, and disillusioned to name a few possible emotions. Now, imagine that your whole life feels that way. What would you do and how would you act if you were experiencing this at 4 years old? What if you were the parent who has lost custody of your child? How about if you are a volunteer trying to support a child through this?
Life in Limbo® is an interactive role-play workshop about foster care that gives individuals an opportunity to find out the answers to those questions. This powerful, transformative exercise brings empathy for all those experiencing the child protective system and knowledge about the complexities surrounding it. In the role play, you walk in the shoes of the mother who has her child removed. Or maybe you are the 7-year-old who is so full of anxiety that they lash out when they only want connection. You might be the Foster Parent who is often overwhelmed looking for answers and support.
Fostering Communities Partners with Life in Limbo
Crossnore Communities for Children’s Fostering Communities program is partnering with Life in Limbo to bring this amazing resource into the communities that we serve. Who can benefit from this experiential workshop? The general public who wants to better understand foster care or vulnerable population stress, conferences, community and faith groups, community leaders, pastors and counselors, educators, child welfare professionals, current and prospective foster parents, and anyone helping children who are experiencing uncertainty.

The Fostering Communities team recently facilitated the Life in Limbo workshop at the Avery State of the Child conference. The group was made up of professionals, former children in foster care, foster parents, and more. 100% of participant survey responders strongly agreed that the workshop improved their understanding of the foster care system. One participant said, “I recommend this to everyone. You never know any particular side in a situation. This simulation allows people to see a story from different perspectives.” Another said, “I think this is the best way to educate individuals about the struggles and successes of the process.”
Bring Life in Limbo to Your Group
Are you ready to learn more about what it is like to be in foster care? Take this opportunity to experience the emotions and what it feels like to live there, if only for a short time. The one-and-a-half-hour Life in Limbo workshop is best in person with a group of 10 or more adults. Take what you learn back into your circles of influence to advocate, educate, and bring awareness to others. The more we know, the more we are able to lead others into knowing and understanding.
To host a Life in Limbo presentation, please contact Fostering Communities Officer, Elizabeth O’Hagan, at eohagan@crossnore.org or (828) 733-4305.