What qualities do you think of when you think of your longest friendship? Most likely, they are loyal, always have your back in thick and thin, are your biggest cheerleader, and certainly know how to have fun. For Crossnore, our earliest and most faithful friends are the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR).
Who Are the Daughters of the American Revolution?
The DAR is a national organization that actively preserves our country’s history, honors our veterans, and supports our youth in their education and growth. They are passionate, compassionate, and selfless—perfect qualities for a best friend!
A Bond That Spans Over 100 Years
To really understand this special bond, you have to go back over 100 years. That’s when Crossnore School founder Dr. Mary Martin Sloop reached out to the National Society of the DAR in Washington, D.C., to ask for help financing what was then a boarding school for girls in the mountains of western North Carolina. The Daughters answered the call then, and they continue doing so to this day!
Crossnore: A DAR-Endorsed School
Crossnore proudly stands as one of only five schools the DAR endorses in the country. Supporting education by donating thousands of school supplies and reference materials, providing educational programs, engaging in fun celebrations, funding scholarships, and financially supporting Crossnore enables us to provide the hope and healing the children in our care deserve. In addition to contributing within their chapters, Daughters often reach further and expand their impact by making personal donations and frequently designating legacy gifts to Crossnore in their estate plans.
North Carolina Daughters Shine Bright
North Carolina Daughters have excelled in supporting Crossnore’s The Promise of Home campaign and the renovation of the new public charter school on the Winston-Salem campus. Former NC State Regent Anna Baird Choi, as part of her State Regent’s Special Project, challenged NC Daughters to raise $40,000 in support of the school. By the end of her term, the Daughters answered her challenge. The NC DAR has presented checks to Crossnore totaling $120,000 for the charter school!
When Friendship Means Leaning on Each Other
There comes a time in every friendship when you need to lean on your friends. Hurricane Helene devastated western NC, directly impacting our Avery campus and our office in Hendersonville, NC. Limited communications made those early days especially tough. Our number-one focus then, and always, is the children. We quickly established our Disaster Relief Fund on our website, and the Daughters wasted no time in making monetary gifts to support our recovery. Daughters contributed over 75% of the online donations we received, with some giving from as far away as Colorado, California, Oregon, and Hawaii!
Mobilizing Support in Times of Need
During the recovery, we identified specific needs and frequently turned to the DAR for support, as many chapters near and far reached out to assist in any way they could. When we literally needed 500 batteries, we knew who to call. The DAR phone and email trees started, and within 12 hours, we had batteries driven to Winston-Salem for transport to the Avery Campus from a Daughter outside of Charlotte. Many of us simply smiled with deep gratitude at those who were surprised because we know the Daughters will mobilize in a nanosecond to provide what the children need.
Celebrating Time Together

As with all great friendships, there is nothing that compares with spending time together. We’ve welcomed Daughters from around the country for campus tours and hosted many NC Daughters at our Winston-Salem campus to celebrate DAR Day. There are even a few chapters that hold their monthly meetings on our campuses. We are grateful to be a part of the festivities at Continental Congress each year in Washington, D.C., and we annually receive multiple invitations to State Conferences around the country. Here in NC, the Stamp Defiance Chapter in Wilmington (the largest chapter in the state) invited us to speak, and we eagerly seized the opportunity to spend time with them. Certainly, for women who give us so much, we were up for a road trip to show our gratitude. Even though miles may separate us, we remain deeply grateful for the time we spend with Daughters. Thanks to Zoom, we can connect with Daughters remotely from all over the country, even those as far away as California!
Reflecting on Friendship as 2024 Closes
As 2024 draws to a close, we reflect on a year filled with a full range of emotions and more than a few challenges. We weathered it all well, in large part because of the friends we knew had our back. Daughters, you are so special to all of us, and your friendship gives us inspiration and motivation. Thomas Jefferson said, “But friendship is precious, not only in the shade but in the sunshine of life.” Thank you, Daughters of the American Revolution, for touching our hearts in so many ways this year with the warmth of your sunshine!