
Look how much has been accomplished!


Crossnore students on spring break at the Washington Monument

We made a pretty big announcement just two months ago. For some of us, it seems like it was a whole lot longer than two months. Since announcing The Crossnore School’s affiliation with The Children’s Home in February, much work has been accomplished in such a short period of time.

Organizational charts for both campuses have been aligned with one another. A nationwide search is underway for a Chief Operating Officer for Winston-Salem, and hiring for both campuses is continuing. Cottages are being re-opened in Winston-Salem and children are moving in. The Young Children’s Village in Crossnore will be completed this summer.

At The Farm in Winston-Salem, plans are being made to open The Farmery, a retail business that will sell produce and locally-made items…and serve our children as a vocational classroom. Every day you will find students also working at Miracle Grounds, Blair Fraley Sales Store, and Crossnore Weavers and Gallery as they are gearing up for tourist season to begin shortly.

Classes at Kingswood School in Winston-Salem and Williams Academy in Crossnore are on the downhill march after spring break. Graduation will be here before we know it.

The bottom line is that even in these months of change and hard work, hope is alive and well in Winston-Salem and Crossnore. Hope for kids who are learning to be kids, who are laughing, playing, and doing well in school. Hope for seniors who are receiving college acceptance letters and scholarship offers. Hope for families who are becoming healthy and whole again.

As we continue to pour into the lives of these children, we are inviting you to make this work part of your personal journey too. There are lots of ways to help, and while money is important, these things are equally important…

  • Volunteering to spend time with a child
  • Praying for our kids and staff
  • Telling others the story of The Crossnore School and The Children’s Home
  • Making a life decision to commit to working with these kids as a foster or adoptive parent, or as staff on one of our campuses.

We have a wonderful staff in Crossnore and in Winston-Salem. They are dedicated, caring, and hard-working professionals. We couldn’t do what we do without them.

We also can’t do it without you. We are hopeful that in whatever way you can make us part of your personal journey, you will do so.

Because we need you. And more importantly, our kids need you.

For more information on becoming a foster or adoptive parent, contact:

Sandy Sauer
Winston-Salem campus
(336) 721-7600

Rosalia Bealer
Crossnore campus
(828) 733-4305

For more information on volunteering on one of our campuses, contact:

Kim MacPherson
Winston-Salem campus
(336) 721-7623

Courtney Lane
Crossnore campus

For more information about careers on one of our campuses, contact:

Jenny Taylor
Winston-Salem campus
(336) 721-7600

Laura Laughridge
Crossnore campus
(828) 733-4305

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