
Thomas's Story

Thomas is a high school student who was enrolled in our Day Treatment program. At the time he was referred to Kingswood School, Thomas was homeless and suffering from severe depression.

When Thomas talked to people, the only stories he had to tell were about how difficult his life was and how bleak his future looked. He felt hopeless and despondent. After a short time at Crossnore, working with the counselors in our Day Treatment program, Thomas developed the self-confidence to advocate for a better living situation for himself.

He also began to dig himself out of the dark mental and emotional state he had been in for a very long time. When the time came for his transition celebration from Kingswood back to his regular school, Thomas gave a speech to his classmates in which he talked about how his life had been transformed and how hopeful he felt about the future.

Thomas is now in a community-based foster home and successfully completing his senior year of high school!

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