Campaigning isn’t just for politicians. A well planned and orchestrated campaign can be transformational for a nonprofit organization.
A Plan.
Just as the Pandemic was gripping the United States in 2020, Crossnore leaders were preparing to unveil the organization’s three year strategic plan. A plan calling to “strengthen” and “expand.” It was a plan dependent on hard work and dollars. Who launches a strategic plan when communities are in crisis and public infrastructure is crumbling? Crossnore does. Because abuse, neglect, nor trauma take a break when the nation is in turmoil. And so, we moved forward.
A Campaign.
To assure the strategic plan’s vitality over time, a significant investment would have to be made in where we serve children, how we transform their lives, and the administrative gears that keep us moving. We needed to design and launch a fundraising campaign. The timing was perfect (insert sarcasm here). Despite the negativity constantly swirling in the news and on social media (between the pandemic and politics, surely the end of time was here), we remained steadfast and focused. In late 2021, Crossnore “quietly” launched The Promise of Home comprehensive campaign. Quietly, because that’s what all the experts say you do first. Or maybe, because we didn’t want anyone to know we were crazy enough to think we could raise $41 million dollars in the current climate.

So why call it a campaign? It’s a campaign because The Promise of Home is a deliberate effort to raise considerable funds for a specific purpose over an established period of time. The need is great, the time is now, and many will be asked to stretch beyond their typical giving. And we’re going to do it in three years. Campaigns create a sense of urgency, and oftentimes connect new friends and donors to the organization.
An Army.
So far, one of my favorite highlights on the Crossnore campaign trail happened in July 2023. Three longtime Crossnore friends got together in 2022 and committed to throwing a party to kick-off our campaign efforts. Months of planning culminated into a weekend of unforgettable music, dancing, and donating. The Way Home Summer Celebration was a text book example of peer-to-peer fundraising. When it was all said and done, the event raised more than $1 million for Crossnore children and families. I will forever carry the lessons I learned from star volunteers Kim Belk, Angela Breeden and Posey Mealy. These women mean business!
The Promise.
Today, it’s January 2024, and we’ve successfully wrapped up the 2020 strategic plan. And we’ve raised almost all the dollars needed to fund our campaign priorities – just over $39 million, but who’s counting? (It’s us. We’re counting.) During uncertain times, we did the unimaginable. Indeed, this is a transformational time for Crossnore.
We hope you’ll join us. You can click here to learn more about The Promise of Home campaign. Questions about The Promise of Home? Reach out to Brandon Cathey at