
Volunteer Spotlight – Donna McNeil


Volunteers are vital to any nonprofit organization. They are also great ambassadors for the organization and its cause. That’s exactly who Donna McNeil is. Donna is a member of the National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution in the Daniel Boone Chapter of Boone, NC. Donna understands the mission of Crossnore School & Children’s Home and says that has helped her to engage with the children here. “I have a love for kids and it’s on my heart always to help out,” she said.

Donna serves as a Visiting Resource who spends time with a child or children who may not have family who can visit. Along with her Chapter, Donna is also a cottage sponsor at Belk Cottage. The Chapter often holds collection drives for needed items to go into the Birdcage. We are especially appreciative of Donna’s willingness to share the Crossnore mission with others.

“I have a love for kids and it’s on my heart always to help out,” she said.

She is responsible for bringing in many new volunteers as she has shared her own experience here. “Donna’s special! She really is a good advocate for Crossnore as she shares about our mission with many people who ultimately become involved as volunteers and donors,” said Courtney Lane, Annual Giving and Outreach Coordinator.

Thank you, Donna, for all that you do for our children!

For more information about volunteer opportunities, contact Kimberly King in Winston-Salem at (336) 721-7600 or or Courtney Lane in Crossnore at (828) 733-4305 or

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